Online Women's Circle

1st 3 Tuesdays at 6-7:30pm PST

Ready to Light Up!

Connection - Community - Cycles

Ignite Your Inner Wildfire


Are you ready to reconnect with your inner cycles and embrace the natural rhythms of life? Join our Wildfire Den Online Women's Circle and embark on a transformative journey with a community of like-minded women.

Meetings: First 3 Tuesdays of every month
Time: 6 PM PST
Duration: 1.5 hours per session
Investment: $27/month for 4.5 hours of support


What We Do

In our sacred circle, we gather to:

  • Check-In: Share our stories and support one another.
  • Moon Phase Connection: Align with the moon's energy to set powerful goals and intentions.
  • Visioning Practices: Visualize and manifest our deepest desires.
  • Accountability: Hold ourselves and each other accountable for our growth and healing.


Why Join?

The Wildfire Den is more than just a circle; it's a sisterhood where we honor the union between the feminine and the moon. By understanding our connection to nature’s calendar, we honor our inner experiences and find balance and harmony in our lives.


Embrace Your Beautiful Wild Woman

Reconnect with your beautiful wild woman - the part of you that deeply loves herself, prioritizes her needs, and embodies strength and resilience. In our circle, you will find a safe space to explore your true self and harness the power of the divine feminine.


Benefits of Joining

  • Reconnection: Reconnect with your natural inner cycles and the rhythms of nature.
  • Support: Gain 4.5 hours of support each month from a community of women who understand you.
  • Growth: Set and achieve goals with the moon's guidance and the circle's support.
  • Healing: Experience personal growth and healing through shared practices and accountability.


Sign Up Now

Join the Wildfire Den for just $27/month and ignite the beautiful wild woman within you. Embrace your natural rhythms, connect with the divine feminine, and transform your life.

I'm Ready to Light Up!

What Wildfire Members are Saying:

I'm Ready to Light Up!